Ode to the Housatonic Railroad (Ep. 8)
Many train companies have operated in Connecticut since the 1800s. Most have gone out of business, leaving rusted rails or converted "rail-trail" hiking opportunities. The Housatonic Railroad is a rarity amongst the group. While their passenger service ended 50 years ago, you can still see the iconic yellow diesels hauling freight up and down western Connecticut a few times a day. The history of the line is magical -- from its "love-hate relationship" with farmers, to its unique passenger service, majestic former train stations, breathtaking scenery and its unfortunate share of tragic accidents. Four guests share their knowledge of the line: Susan DelBianco, a local historian and an expert on the Housatonic; Peter McLoughlin, a retired Housatonic train engineer with lots of captivating memories, Jeremy Ruman, Board President of the organization that's restoring the historic Merwinsville Hotel, which figured prominently in the railroad’s past; and Bob Brown, President of the Brookfield Museum and Historical Society, where a major train station and key cog in the Housatonic’s operations used to exist.